
I believe that food is medicine, and the right foods cooked with the right ingredients are paramount to your quality of life.

Truth be told, I'm a mostly self-taught and intuitive chef. A flavor savant if you will. It used to give me insecurities that I had never trained in a Jean Georges kitchen or attended culinary school, nor did I boast Michelin stars on my sleeve. But as I delve deeper into my personal story, I realize that a resume isn't merley as important as passion. I've always been a chef. And my passion encompasses everything about food—the sacred alchemy of ingredients, the dedicated farmers who nurture it, and the tireless chefs who have transformed food into flavor over centuries.

Most importantly, over the past year, I've undergone a profound personal transformation in my cooking. I've asked "How can we do better?" and "Why?" countless times. I've cultivated a profound awareness of every aspect of my craft and every ingredient that goes into my food. My mission is clear: I want you to unlock yourself, and not only feel amazing, but be inspired by the food I serve to you. I've synthesized all of this into The Gourmet Animal—delicious food you can trust, infused with a purpose, and designed not only to offer you incredible weekly eating, but to promote full mind-body health.

The secret was in the diet.

In June 2023, I was weighted down at 204 pounds, feeling sluggish, and not enjoying life to the fullest. I had aches and pains everywhere (hello inflammation) and even though I was exercising, it wasn't helping much. They say you can't out train a bad diet, and I was certainly proving that true.

I decided to make a radical change and focus on my diet to improve my metabolic health. I made the switch to a ketonic diet and eliminated simple carbs, sugar, gluten and seed oils from my diet- the bullshit that truly does keep us sluggish. I struggled at first, but then reached an epiphany after a month. Weight started to fall off, and with the extra energy, I started working out regularly.

After 3 months, I had shed 26 pounds to a lean, mean 178 pounds with just 10% body fat. And the best part, I felt younger, more in tune with life and ready to dream big. I realized I could expand the flavor profiles and satisfaction of these healthy dishes within the ingredient constraints of a ketonic diet. I learned that you don't have to sacrifice anything to eat and feel amazing.


I've been a private/events chef for years in the Los Angeles area. The constant menu creation and rotation has allowed me to gain an incredible culinary fluency in global cuisine. And cooking specifically cooking for reheating has it's own science, cadence and process. It's that process that I have refined over the countless years and hours, which has led me to confidently say that The Gourmet Animal offers the absolute best in food you can get delivered.

But I want to focus on what really matters. You're on the verge of receiving a priceless gift – a fresh start and a complete transformation in your journey to greatness. Are you ready to Feed the Beast Within?


I've been a private/events chef for years in the Los Angeles area. The constant menu creation and rotation has allowed me to gain an incredible culinary fluency in global cuisine. And cooking specifically cooking for reheating has it's own science, cadence and process. It's that process that I have refined over the countless years and hours, which has led me to confidently say that The Gourmet Animal offers the absolute best in food you can get delivered.

But I want to focus on what really matters. You're on the verge of receiving a priceless gift – a fresh start and a complete transformation in your journey to greatness. Are you ready to Feed the Beast Within?